
Product Design and UX Audit

Our Product Design and UX User Experience Audit service is designed to evaluate and refine your product's user experience. We analyze every aspect of the design, from user flows to interface elements.

Goal Behind Each Component

Goal Behind Each Component

Techionik believes that an interface's default design should make it clear to a new user where and how they can interact with it. The interface should also be visible and tell the user what will happen immediately as they interact with it. It should also be predictable and provide feedback to help the user gain a deeper understanding of how the interface works and become a repeat user.

From thought to application store! Releasing the force of client experience utilizing our plan runs

You can achieve the right balance and keep users coming back for more with a well-thought-out UX design process led by an experienced UX professional. To ensure that we comprehend your business objectives and successfully translate them into a coherent user experience, we conduct extensive research and insightful brainstorming sessions.

Design Audit as a Service

Open the maximum potential of your product

A predetermined list of usability design principles, also referred to as heuristic evaluation, serves as the foundation for our design audit framework. Heuristics are normally a bunch of exact general guidelines, best practices, principles, rules, and shows that have been tried or seen over extensive periods. The following are the ten predefined designs:

  • The status of the system is visible.
  • The system and the real-world match
  • Freedom and control for the user
  • Consistency and guidelines
  • Blunder avoidance
  • Acknowledgment instead of review
  • Adaptability and effectiveness of purpose
  • Tasteful and moderate plan
  • Assist clients with perceiving, analyzing, and recuperating from mistakes
  • Help and documentation

Design for Users

Creating client-centered experiences

Supported by market investigation and client models, our plan administrations mean to augment client securing and maintenance. Our goal is to revive digital experiences.


Set Audit


Create User


Define User


Set Evaluation






& Report

Startup Services & Custom Development

Empowering your vision through individualized solutions and novel approaches to initial success

Project Discovery

Project Discovery is an innovative IT initiative designed to explore emerging technologies and develop cutting-edge solutions. Our dedicated team focuses on harnessing the power of data science, AI, and machine learning to drive digital transformation and unlock new opportunities. Join us on our journey to discover the future of technology and stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
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Project Rescue & Takeover

Project Rescue & Takeover is a specialized IT service aimed at revitalizing struggling projects and ensuring their successful completion. Our expert team steps in to diagnose issues, implement robust solutions, and take over management to deliver results on time and within budget. Trust us to rescue your project and steer it toward success.
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Project Design & UI/UX

Product Design and UX Review offers comprehensive assessments to enhance user experience and optimize product design. Our team of experts evaluates usability, aesthetics, and functionality to ensure your product meets user needs and stands out in the market. Improve your product's appeal and effectiveness with our insightful reviews and recommendations.
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Software Code Audit

Software Code Audit provides an in-depth analysis of your codebase to identify vulnerabilities, optimize performance, and ensure compliance with industry standards. Our expert auditors meticulously review your code for security issues, inefficiencies, and best practice adherence. Enhance your software's quality and reliability with our thorough code audit services.
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MVP development

MVP Development focuses on rapidly building a Minimum Viable Product to validate your idea and gather user feedback. Our skilled team works efficiently to create a functional prototype that highlights core features, enabling you to test market viability and make informed decisions. Accelerate your product launch with our expert MVP development services.
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Web & Mobile Development

Web & Mobile Development offers end-to-end solutions for creating dynamic websites and mobile applications. Our experienced developers specialize in building responsive, user-friendly interfaces and robust backend systems to meet your business needs. Transform your digital presence with our tailored web and mobile development services.
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Plan Your Future: Elevate Your Contact with Master Item Plan and UX Audit!

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Software Code Audit

Giving you a complete picture of your code to enable you to make better business decisions.